Archive File Conversions

Convert legacy read-supported format archives (such as old backup or save files in the ACE file format, ARJ, or LHA), which may be, or become, obsolete - surpassed in terms of compression, performances, encryption features, or be troublesome to support in future systems - making it desirable to switch to a more modern archive type. Examples of archives include old backup or save files in the ACE file format, ARJ, and LHA.

Provide recipients with data that has been archived in a suitable and widely supported standard, which is typically the ZIP format, which is compatible with the majority of systems and the majority of archive managers, or the TAR format, which is widely used on Unix and environments that are similar to Unix. Changing the uncommon format of any existing archives is also recommended.

Optimizing data backup, combining multiple saved files (even from various formats at once) in a single backup archive; deleting the "Add each item to a separate archive" option to condense data in a single output; and changing all of the input to the new format.

Recompressing older archives with a better compression ratio as more computing power and better algorithms become available; for example, the 7z / p7zip optimized Deflate algorithm compresses 2-10 percent smaller ZIP archives while maintaining full compatibility with standard specifications, and the 7Z format typically achieves 30-70 percent better compression than the classic ZIP format.

Replace non-free archive types (ACE, RAR format, ZIPX format) with free archive types (7Z, ZIP), which Free Software can support without being burdened by issues related to patents, to guarantee that the format will continue to be supported even after the original author ceases development of the format.

How to modify RAR to ZIP format for existing archives.

On Window, the ZipRar file converter function enables users to convert existing archives that belong to any of the more than 200 formats that are supported for extraction (CAB, ISO, RAR, ZIPX...) into an archive format that is supported for writing (7Z, RAR, WIM, TAR, ZIP and other popular file formats). This can be done with any archive format that ZipRar supports.

For instance, RAR archives may be converted to the ubiquitously accepted ZIP format, the superior compression offered by the 7Z format, or the traditional TAR format. All of these formats are possible (widely supported on Unix-like systems). The format change option is beneficial when the user has a change of heart and decides they want to recompress the archive with better compression settings, apply encryption, or do something else entirely.

It is not feasible to independently add rar compression functionality owing to licensing constraints placed on rar. However, existing archives may be converted to RAR format using ZipRar, provided WinRar is on the system. This provides read/write support for the RAR format in ZipRar.

The software can work on multiple archives simultaneously (even if they are of different formats) when performing batch conversion operations. It can either convert each input archive into a separate file using the target format that has been selected, or it can combine the multiple input archives into a single archive using the format that has been chosen.

Additionally, files that are not archives may be added to the batch input list, and they will be compressed (or consolidated) using the new archive format that has been selected.

To get the best possible compression results, the input archives are always decompressed before recompressed using the new format, regardless of whether the Conversion function is used on a batch of files or a single file.

Either click the "Convert" button in the application's toolbar or check the "Convert existing archives" option in the archive creation dialog to convert existing archives. Then, add files to the conversion procedure as you would when creating a standard archive, as detailed in the frequently asked questions and the program's documentation (F1).

To perform a mass file conversion of input archives, you should check the box labeled "Add each object to a separate archive." On the other hand, you should uncheck the box if you would rather combine all of the input data into a single archive so that you can consolidate a set of backups. Flagging the box allows you to create a separate output archive file for each input object.

If the input file is encrypted, the user will be prompted for the proper password before the archive conversion can take place. If the user does not supply the necessary password, the archive data will not be readable, and the extraction step will not be completed. A file that cannot be successfully read is illogically incapable of having its format changed or having its contents modified correctly.

If the verbose mode is selected, the file conversion procedure will ask for confirmation to proceed with compression after the extraction stage. This provides the opportunity to cancel the process if it encounters difficulties (such as an entire disk, an unknown password, corrupted archives, and so on) or to make additional changes to the uncompressed data before the stage of final re-compression.

The original archives are not deleted or modified at any conversion stage unless the "Delete files after archiving" option is flagged - user confirmation is required in any case to let the user be aware of and have complete control over the deletion of original data. After the compression stage, the file conversion procedure asks for confirmation before deleting temporary files and folders created for conversion. Original archives are not deleted and are not modified at any stage of the conversion.

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